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Amazon is not a retailer anymore, it is the largest behavioral marketing company in the world.
Yaakov Kimelfeld, chief research officer at Kantar Media Compete, talking to Reuters about the company’s advertising network prospects.
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Amazon is not a retailer anymore, it is the largest behavioral marketing company in the world.
Yaakov Kimelfeld, chief research officer at Kantar Media Compete, talking to Reuters about the company’s advertising network prospects.
— В России мы не смотрим никуда дальше своего носа, здесь не интересуются ничем, что происходит не в России. Самоанцы и тонганцы — это для нас китайская грамота.
Артем Степанов, «Манн, Иванов и Фербер» (в комментарии к питчу книги Михаила Казиника о войне между племёнами Самоа и Тонга)
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Первая мысль: удивление, смешанное с непониманием. Как это — китайская грамота? Разве мы не? А потом приходит осознание, что да, уже правда. Жители государства, которые когда-то смотрели на весь мир с интересом и заполняли внутренний вакуум дальними странами, историями и событиями, теперь замкнулись на своём повседневном.
И вот это настоящий приговор. Образованию, будущему, детям, культуре. Всему. Сплошное моно.
Удивительно другое — что чем дальше, тем больше мне становилось ясно, что он никакой не шарлатан, а, во-первых, математический гений и, во-вторых, в высшей степени вменяемый человек, способный к иронии. Он скептик побольше, чем я сам. Казалось, его самого удивляла та дикость, которую он вынужден был произносить, — вынужден, потому что внутри системы, которую он создал, эта дикость оказывалась правдой. То есть он понимает прекрасно всю иронию ситуации, нелепость. И мне никогда ни с кем не было так интересно, как с ним.
Лев Данилкин об академике Фоменко / 10 бестселлеров, которых пока нет : Рейтер, Семеляк, Герасименко и другие журналисты о книгах, которые они хотели бы написать
WWDC has an energy. It’s a huge rally to juice developers’ confidence and enthusiasm for the platform. Every year, I’ve been filled with an insatiable desire to just make something the whole time, and that energy gives me a boost for months afterward.
The reason we all want to go so badly is because it’s great.
When you go, you’ve allocated that week to learning this stuff. That’s your only job. You leave most of your workplace and family obligations behind for a week so you can spend all day in sessions, meeting great friends and colleagues in the industry, and immersing yourself in the technology, community, and culture.
As soon as you crack your knuckles and open up a comments page, you just canceled your subscription to being a good person.
Louis CK
…as for the schools, they were just holding pins within this fake school. Officially the purpose of schools is to teach kids. In fact their primary purpose is to keep kids locked up in one place for a big chunk of the day so adults can get things done.
What bothers me is not that the kids are kept in prisons, but that (a) they aren’t told about it, and (b) the prisons are run mostly by the inmates. Kids are sent off to spend 6 years memorizing meaningless facts in a world ruled by a caste of giants who run after an oblong brown ball, as if this were the most natural thing in the world. And if they balk at this surreal cocktail, they’re called misfits.
Пол Грэм, цитаты и тезисы из книг и эссе: Powerful Thoughts From Paul Graham — Ross Hudgens
The times displayed on Grand Central’s departure boards are wrong — by a full minute:
This is permanent. It is also purposeful.The idea is that passengers rushing to catch trains they’re about to miss can actually be dangerous — to themselves, and to each other. So conductors will pull out of the station exactly one minute after their trains’ posted departure times.
You might call this time-hacking; you might call it behavioral engineering; you might call it comical. Regardless, it seems to be working. Grand Central boasts the fewest slips, trips, and falls of any station in the country.
Once heard Carnegie Hall starts their performances eight minutes early [or late] for a similar reason. Curious what other time hacks exist to accommodate New Yorkers.
[thx, John]
It’s easy to view the current business climate as a culling of the herd, but newspapers are not barbershops; the closing of a hair-cutting business in Oklahoma wouldn’t much affect people in New Hampshire, but the closing of a paper would, because the nation’s news publications are sewn together in a crazy quilt of shared cost and effort.
The News and Eagle, the Laconia Citizen, the Biloxi Sun-Herald, the Deer Park Tribune, and a thousand more such papers are all but monopoly suppliers of local news, they all train young reporters who go on to work elsewhere, they all employ the stringers who are on the scene when a tornado hits, and they all buy syndicated content from the Associated Press or King Features, who in turn lower costs for some publishers while raising revenue for others. When a paper fires reporters or closes outright, it further weakens that fabric.
Why We Need the New News Environment to be Chaotic « Clay Shirky
Right now, there are brilliant students from all over the world sitting in classrooms at our top universities. They’re earning degrees in the fields of the future, like engineering and computer science. But once they finish school, once they earn that diploma, there’s a good chance they’ll have to leave our country. Think about that.
Intel was started with the help of an immigrant who studied here and then stayed here. Instagram was started with the help of an immigrant who studied here and then stayed here. Right now in one of those classrooms, there’s a student wrestling with how to turn their big idea—their Intel or Instagram—into a big business. We’re giving them all the skills they need to figure that out, but then we’re going to turn around and tell them to start that business and create those jobs in China or India or Mexico or someplace else? That’s not how you grow new industries in America. That’s how you give new industries to our competitors. That’s why we need comprehensive immigration reform.
President Obama in Nevada today, laying out a four-part plan for comprehensive immigration reform (via barackobama)
Video game violence is not a new problem. Who can forget in the wake of Sim City how children everywhere took up urban planning? It was all “Tune in, turn on, and zone for residential use, man!!!”
STEPHEN COLBERT, remarking on gun nuts trying to shift blame for gun violence to video games — instead of, we don’t know, guns — on The Colbert Report (via inothernews)