CGPortfolio - Stefan Morrell
Все записи с тегом «города и люди»
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Пост 162764137
Пост 162002336
«На дальней станции сойду». Люди неравнодушны к старым, повидавшим многое в своей жизни вещам и конструкциям. «Патина» и следы времени рассказывают истории, которых могло вовсе не быть.
Пост 161086434
Замок на мосту — то ли форт, то ли Ласточкино гнездо с ружьями.
Пост 161085902
Зачем они туда ракету-носитель зарыли — это великая загадка, но выглядит забавно. Да и название «посёлок-сателлит» теперь по-другому воспринимается.
CGPortfolio - hodong la
Пост 160333947
Пост 42130693
About 20,600 Vélib’ bicycles are in service here, with more than 1,450 self-service rental stations.
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Mr. Pheulpin, whose company built similar but much smaller programs in 10 other cities, like Lyon and Rouen, said the company had learned that there were several keys to success: allowing subscriptions, so people get the sense that the bikes are free once they have paid their up-front fee; making sure the bike stations are ubiquitous and keeping the system “user-friendly.”
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As for safety, both the city and Decaux argue that bicycle accidents in Paris have risen only 7 percent compared with a 24 percent increase in bicycle use since early 2007. “Bicycles become fashionable, and the more bikes there are in a city, the safer it is, and the more the city will give space to bicyclists,” Mr. Pheulpin said.
A New Fashion Catches On in Paris - Cheap Bicycle Rentals —