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Майкрософт выпускает футурологическое видео о будущем:
“Microsoft this morning is premiering a new video that shows how the company believes technology is poised to evolve over the next five to 10 years, based on the trends its researchers and engineers are seeing in software, devices, displays, sensors, processors and intelligent systems.
It’s a follow-up to the popular “Microsoft 2019″ video, developed in 2008 and first shown publicly in 2009. The latest video builds on some of the themes from its predecessor and takes everything further.
As the new video opens, special eyeglasses translate audio into English in real-time for a business traveler in Johannesburg. A thin screen on a car window highlights a passing building to show where her meeting will be the next day, based on information from her calendar. Office workers gesture effortlessly to control and reroute text and charts as the screens around them morph and pulse with new information.
And on and on from there, making our modern-day digital breakthroughs seem like mere baby steps on the road to a far more spectacular future.”
(via The future is amazing, and Microsoft has video to prove it - GeekWire)
Джон Грубер на это ответил парой ехидных постов, общий смысл которых можно свести к тому, что «надо не визионерство устраивать, а продукты нормальные делать»:
I’m not arguing that making concept videos directly leads to a lack of traction in the current market. I’m arguing that making concept videos is a sign of a company that has a lack of institutional focus on the present and near-present. Can you imagine a sports team in the midst of a present-day losing season that makes a video imagining a future championship 10 years out?
The designs in these concept videos are free from real-world constraints — technical, logical, fiscal. Dealing with constraints is what real design is all about. Institutional attention on the present day — on getting innovative industry-leading products out the door and creating consumer demand for them — requires relentless company-wide focus.
— John Gruber: The Type of Companies That Publish Future Concept Videos