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This sociability has helped Karp exploit Gotham’s chattering classes: Tumblr has an estimated one-fifteenth the users of, but generates about five time as much content, thanks to social networking tools that let its Brooklyn-centric userbase easily quote and snark upon one another’s posts.

Meanwhile, Karp, in full bragging mode today, tells us Tumblr averages “five interactions (answers, likes, reblogs, etc.) with each post on average versus 1.5 for Wordpress.” That doesn’t mean Tumblr is worth $15 million — it has yet to launch its “really sexy” plan to generate actual revenue — but it is an interesting stat, and a testament to the social networking features the snuggly young entrepreneur has built into his site. It’s also a pretty solid indication Karp will soon have some additional “interactions” fairly soon, with surly young Mullenweg.

The Blog-War Revenge of Brooklyn’s Hipsters - David Karp - Gawker