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Пост 144592608
Пост 143436565
Later that night I would sit down at a 10 dollar table at the Bellagio next to a grumpy businessman from Guadalajara, put down 100 dollars, and proceed to lose all of my chips in approximately 25 minutes.
Whoa. I don’t know blackjack.
By memorizing the chart in the spirit of The Matrix learning paradigm, I had actually made things harder than they needed to be.
Blackjack requires “know-that” or declarative knowledge — I know that I should always split Aces and 8s. In contrast, kung-fu requires “know-how” or procedural knowledge — Keanu Reeves knows how to do a triple-kick in the air.
One of the key differences between the two is that while procedural knowledge needs to be wired in the brain, you can essentially “outsource” declarative knowledge to your computer, your hard drive, or a little blackjack card. This is a good thing, because it means that your brain can devote more energy to the important stuff (like finding the waitress and ordering another free drink).
Nick’s blog: Blackjack, The Matrix, and the outboard brain
Пост 143424096
Слово дня: funemployment
A happy time in one’s life when one is not employed and is not wanting to be employed
Urban Dictionary: funemployment
Пост 143413990
«Уместность, уместность, уместность! Повторяйте за мной!» Приятно с утра посмотреть на марионеточную политику. В буквальном, так сказать, смысле слова.
(via expo7000)
→ Meta Is Murder
Generally speaking, I am not a fan of the meta. It’s seductive in a way that is subtly but deeply dangerous. It’s far easier to introspect and write about the process of, say .. blogging .. than it is to think up, research, and write about an interesting new topic on your blog. Meta-work becomes a reflex, a habit, an addiction, and ultimately a replacement for real productive work. It’s something I think everyone should watch out for, whatever walk of life or career you happen to have. In fact, I’ve come up with a zingy little catch phrase to help people remind themselves, and their coworkers, how toxic this stuff can be — meta is murder.
(via dailymeh)
→ Топ-5 исполнителей (Неделя, завершающаяся 2009-7-12)
- Bear McCreary (125)
- Richard Gibbs (39)
- Bear McCreary, Featuring Raya Yarbrough (1)
- Bear McCreary Feat. Raya Yarbrough (1)
- Bear McCreary & Richard Gibbs (1)
Imported from …
Пост 140210635
«А я-то в советские времена у-у!» Интересно, что у айпода бородка и кеды, всё как положено нормальному продвинутому хипстеру.
(via gkojaxlabo)
Пост 139764169
Лемуры — специальные существа, которые показывают нам, что мир на самом деле совершенно иной, чем мы о нём думаем (достаточно вспомнить пару драматичных лемуров). Некоторые из них, как намекает нам эта обложка, явно были знакомы с Альбертом Хоффманом.
(via mondayaidkit)
Пост 139581131
К вопросу об улыбке и об использовании улыбающихся людей в сфере услуг.
(Источник: Smile at work device - Ozini)