Не хочу жить в этом поясе. Даёшь солнце!
Полодиннадцатого — и уже темнеет. Не хочу жить в этом поясе. Даёшь солнце! Утомили все эти темные ночи… ¶
Полодиннадцатого — и уже темнеет. Не хочу жить в этом поясе. Даёшь солнце! Утомили все эти темные ночи… ¶
It reminded me about the benefits of being in the presence of greatness. Whether it’s listening to a lecture from a great professor or speaker or reading a great book or watching a great athlete or sitting on a great chair having a great dinner on a great table with great friends, you always leave just a little greater yourself.
In the presence of greatness - (37signals)
… Как сказала Леся, «твиттер прекрасен отсутствием комментариев — точно знаешь, что балаган невозможно устроить по определению». ¶
А индекс-наклеек не оказалось и в «Москве» тоже. Теперь или Детский мир, или Библио-глобус. И уже только завтра, сегодня поздно… ¶
I do not want to download anything (even a Firefox extension) until the server-based version shows me it is useful and stable.
It has to pass the “do something useful for me right now and don’t mess with my head while I figure out how to use it” test.
I would expect the personal research tool (Level 1) to be free, but I would be prepared to pay small amounts for a collaborative Level 2 version; so a “freemium” approach maybe viable. (However I suspect that there is a much bigger play, as there is big potential value in the “database of intentions” that would be created, as long as privacy is rigorously maintained).
I have thought long and hard and I can see only two ways this could have come about. The first possibility is that Google has begun believing its own press releases, which is not a good idea for any company. Google is an arrogant and geeky company with leaders who have isolated themselves to the extent that they may no longer be in touch with reality. So much success so quick may have convinced them they are smarter than they actually are. It happens a lot. It could be happening here.
That’s the most likely and saddest possibility, but it also means that if Google blows it, well then Google deserved to blow it. There is, however, an alternative motivation here beyond simple megalomania and corporate self-delusion: Google may actually be playing a game of poker.
Is Google on Crack? — I, Cringely . The Pulpit | PBS
В Европейском масса красивых женщин, но купить индекс-наклейки не удалось нигде. Бу. :( Завтра теперь переться в Москву или Б/глобус… ¶
Пикник не вштырил ни разу. Зато на давно знакомой коробке конфет комильфо вдруг нашлась совсем новая история… И Broken Social Scene из колонок. ¶
Сеть у МТС в коломенском успешно не справля. Опять писать твиттеру смс. 18:23