Пост 23863225197

На Stack Overflow есть отдельный подсайт для обсуждения самого Stack Overflow, называется, разумеется, meta.stackoverflow. А там есть отдельная ветка с мемами сообщества, их историей и (иногда) обсуждениями.
Catchphrases and concepts that spread from person to person are known as memes, which, courtesy the Internet, can now explode across the Earth like a highly contagious virus (hence “going viral”). As with their IRL counterparts, some infectious diseases are global (pandemic), while others are endemic to specific regions.
Stack Overflow and now even more predominantly Meta Stack Overflow have seen more than their fair share of these pathological social constructs spread through the user base. They are now ingrained units of our collective culture as SOpedians (a term which I hate, by the way).
— Чему вас научили ролевые игры?
— Ролевые игры меня научили воровать и обманывать.
Прошлогодний твит после Зимней Школы. Вечная истина
Человеческие существа местами очень трогательные
— Hey I can’t compile this, there are 143 missing files.
— What? What happened to them?
— How should I know?
— Oh wait, found them. Build succeeded, no issues.
Чудесный блог «Text from XCode» как нельзя лучше подходит к моему тегу «говорящие компьютеры». Изначально этот тег был про интерфейсы, но в мире Сири, GLaDOS и искусственного интеллекта, заговаривающего с нами из шнурков и фонарных столбов, значение тега как-то перекувырнулось через голову и стало почти буквальным.
This redesign is a response to ebooks, to web type, to mobile, and to wonderful applications like Instapaper and Readability that address the problem of most websites’ pointlessly cluttered interfaces and content-hostile text layouts by actually removing the designer from the equation. (That’s not all these apps do, but it’s one benefit of using them, and it indicates how pathetic much of our web design is when our visitors increasingly turn to third party applications simply to read our sites’ content. It also suggests that those who don’t design for readers might soon not be designing for anyone.)
This redesign is deliberately over the top, but new ideas often exaggerate to make a point. It’s over the top but not unusable nor, in my opinion, unbeautiful. How can passages set in Georgia and headlines in Franklin be anything but beautiful? I love seeing my words this big. It encourages me to write better and more often.
Web Design Manifesto 2012, Jeffrey Zeldman
io9 пишет об исследовании того, как изменялось представление о будущем в фантастике на протяжении десятилетий:
In general, the future got closer at the end of the twentieth century. You can see a gradual trend in this chart where after the 1940s, near-future SF grows in popularity. Again, this might reflect rapid technological change and the fact that SF entered mainstream popular culture.
The future is getting farther away from us right now. One of the only far-future narratives of the 1990s was Futurama. Then suddenly, in the 2000s, we saw a spike in far-future stories, many of them about posthuman, postsingular futures. It’s possible that during periods of extreme uncertainty about the future, as the 00s were in the wake of massive economic upheavals and 9/11, creators and audiences turn their eyes to the far future as a balm.
Мексиканские художники из Барселоны рассказывают об историях и блуждающих текстах на QR-кодах, которые никто рассказывает в нигде (Taken with Instagram at Додо спейс)
Skeuomorphism is about communicating and reinforcing feelings — getting an application to become a memorable experience, not just a tool. It’s about communicating the purpose of a UI, not only the functions it enables.
Skeuomorphism & Storytelling / Tobias Bjerrome Ahlin
The toolbox — “A collection of the best time-saving apps, tools, and widgets from around the web” • via uxrave