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The Illustrated Fashion Photography Of James Russell And Ann Rutherford (107 фото - 6.67Mb)
The Illustrated Fashion Photography Of James Russell And Ann Rutherford (107 фото - 6.67Mb)
The Illustrated Fashion Photography Of James Russell And Ann Rutherford (107 фото - 6.67Mb)
Quality, Simplicity, Language independence, Emergence. Ultimately, ffffound is a case study in design restraint. It strips away many of the expected web 2.0 trappings (tags, discussions, rounded corner coitus) and emerges with a streamlined community…
City View, 2003 Light, Aluminum, Shadow.
Permanent display at the 2nd floor of Nanba Parks Tower, Osaka, Japan.
Commissioned by Nankai Railways Inc.
Description: The numbers scattered on the wall, lit from the right, cast a silhouette of a woman.
Овцы засыпают, свернувшись калачиком на левом боку. Хочешь сонного сопения в ухо - ложись слева. Или грейся об спину. Так тоже весело.
fashiontainment: Photographer: Patrick Demarchelier