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Пост 21555898
Пост 21480984
You have to look closer to see what truly makes the models special, though, what elevates them above Victoria’s Secret: they have wrinkles around their eyes. These women have laugh lines, taut necks, and that slight tummy that can be so, so sexy. These are not the airbrushed dolls of ignorant fantasy. These women are real.
Now, these are special swimsuits, for real women. They slim and wrap. They emphasize and detract. These are the suits that populate the memories of men who know. These are the patterns and shapes of all-inclusive vacations and honeymoons. These are the suits of vibrant, sandy memories, of salt on skin and the unexpected pleasure of peeling back spaghetti straps to rub lotion into her exposed back, her head turned to the side, drifting asleep beneath your warm hands.
I hate you, Lands’ End.
(via Personal Inventory: the erotic appeal of the Lands’ End catalog - Nerve.com) — curate
→ Humans 'evolving to have children later' - Telegraph
Humankind has evolved at a rate roughly 100 times higher than any other period of human evolution. Author of the study predicts that this suggests humans will further evolve to have more children later in life.
Пост 21391819
The game is called Set. You put out 12 from the deck. Everyone crowds around and tries to identify sets of three where “each feature is either the same on all of the cards, or different on all of the cards”. If you correctly identify a set, you get a point, the three cards are removed, and another three are added. It requires extreme concentration.
(via jakoblodwick)