Пост 44118710
Хорошие девочки делают то же, что и плохие, только лучше.
Одно из тысячи настроений Jinger - FriendFeed
Хорошие девочки делают то же, что и плохие, только лучше.
Одно из тысячи настроений Jinger - FriendFeed
В такси по радио услышал «В Северном Бутово на площади одиннадцати тысяч квадратных метров будет построен какой-то очередной мегамолл»
Естественно, площадь Одиннадцати Тысяч Квадратных Метров — это прекрасный московский топоним
Площадь Одиннадцати Тысяч Квадратных Метров — Алексей Махоткин
I’m sticking to my argument that blogs should get cash positive and then start to acquire others - raising a slug of money just gives people an incentive to spend it, and you lose control to a group of investors who may know little or nothing about how to build a blog.
And what’s most clear in all of this is that the small, independent, passionate blogger who writes day and night about whatever it is that captures her imagination plays an important role in the ecosystem. They keep the larger blogs honest, and the best of them will grow into large properties in their own right. It’s a beautiful, nasty, hyper-competitive and chaotic world we bloggers live in, and most of the time I wouldn’t change it for the world.
GigaOm Buys A Mobile Blog - One Less Independent Blog In The World - Techcrunch
Цифровой героин, построенный на немедленной обратной связи, фантастически прекрасен. Цепляет сразу, и с первой дозы, особенно когда не понимаешь, как это работает. Когда понимаешь — всё равно работает, но слезать легче, так как знаешь методы детоксикации и блокады опиатных рецепторов.
А помните, в каком-то из фильмов про Джея и Молчаливого Боба, был спор о том, гуманно ли было взрывать Звезду Смерти-2 в «Возвращении Джедая»: типа она же (в отличие от Звезды Смерти-1) недостроенная, вся в лесах, там кроме имперских штурмовиков строители-гастарбайтеры, у них семьи.
Роман Волобуев в комментарии к посту о «Городских пижонах» — Ум, честь и совесть (Idioterne) — Блог «О кино» — Афиша
If negative news is reported in China, such as a horrific crime or natural disaster, it ends the broadcast with an uplifting message about what the Chinese government has done to step in and help victims or survivors.
This gives the viewer a sense of security and reliance and faith in the government. I don’t ever recall feeling that way after watching American news broadcasting. In American news broadcasting, I get the daily sense that the world is coming to an end tomorrow and all hell is breaking loose. The more news I watch, the less sense of security and reliance and faith in the government I feel. No wonder the Chinese people seem to love their government and we Americans seem to hate ours.
Akrypti, on her experience with media while living in China. (via ernie)
70 Amazing Business Cards - Fubiz™
Ola Ch. at MLSTUDIO model mgmt. - Fashion Work Book 2, Konrad Jakubowski, on the Behance Network
Ola Ch. at MLSTUDIO model mgmt. - Fashion Work Book 2, Konrad Jakubowski, on the Behance Network
About 20,600 Vélib’ bicycles are in service here, with more than 1,450 self-service rental stations.
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Mr. Pheulpin, whose company built similar but much smaller programs in 10 other cities, like Lyon and Rouen, said the company had learned that there were several keys to success: allowing subscriptions, so people get the sense that the bikes are free once they have paid their up-front fee; making sure the bike stations are ubiquitous and keeping the system “user-friendly.”
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As for safety, both the city and Decaux argue that bicycle accidents in Paris have risen only 7 percent compared with a 24 percent increase in bicycle use since early 2007. “Bicycles become fashionable, and the more bikes there are in a city, the safer it is, and the more the city will give space to bicyclists,” Mr. Pheulpin said.
A New Fashion Catches On in Paris - Cheap Bicycle Rentals — NYTimes.com