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Little things

There are many ways to make someone feel cherished, loved, protected, yes… owned. Some may involve ‘leather and chains’. But a lot of the time, and certainly in public, little things mean the most.

A quietly whispered ‘no’ when picking an outfit in a store, a hand on a shoulder in a restaurant, how about a quick approving nod across a room. Clearly a hand can wander, an arm may squeeze that little bit tighter, fingers twisting or tugging a lock of hair. Simple things.

Not every sub wears a collar, not every Dom has a whip hanging from their belt. D/s can be expressed in the smallest of tokens, gestures, movements, Between a Dom and a sub the raising of an eyebrow can be enough, mean more than a lengthy conversation.

Someone might hold their partner that little bit tighter than necessary, perhaps let that finger linger on bare skin just a little bit longer, that hand a slightly firmer hold, signifying perhaps just a little bit more than usual.

One finger in the right spot, just a thumb rubbing gently perhaps, causing goosebumps inside and out. Barely noticeable for an outsider, but for those to whom it matters a simple sign that says ‘you’re mine’.

Little things. So very important.

M. / Her Liege

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Ещё о молчаливых жестах собственности (2010). Удивительно, как это чувство обладания, которое непроизвольно проецируется на женщину, её гипнотизирует и не то, чтобы лишает воли, а скорее наполняет энергией и желанием жить. Даже когда на неё не смотришь, не трогаешь, не дышишь. Просто обладаешь, с молчаливого взаимного согласия, подпитывающего вас обоих.