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The question of why aliens might “want to come here” is probably fundamentally flawed because we are forming that question from our current (tiny) viewpoint. The word “want” might not apply at all to someone 1000 times smarter than us.

If we discovered a fish-like creature on Europa today it would be fascinating for us to study it. If however, we were 1000 times smarter and had spent the last 1000 years finding fish-like creatures across the galaxy, and could with 99.99% accuracy predict the exact existence of such creatures from light-years away, it probably wouldn’t be all that interesting to go study another one.

The bottom line is that if an alien race is capable of getting here, all the other technology they’ve requisitely developed in the meantime would make the trip unnecessary at best — and more than likely, simply meaningless.

We’re just not as advanced or as important as we like to think. In the end, there’s no compelling reason to think they’d be interested in meeting us — we simply think too small.

Paul Tyma: Why We’ll Never Meet Aliens

Отличный и подробный разбор того, каковы масштабы тех событий, которые приводят цивилизацию к космическим путешествиям, и насколько неинтересным становится для такой цивилизации контакт с другими. Общий смысл выражается, в общем, одной мизантропской фразой «жалкие людишки».